Course Outcomes |
Assessments |
Program Outcomes |
1. Formulate solutions to engineering problems using systematic design methodology |
Homeworks, Labs |
AST2-C |
2. Demonstrate understanding of logic families and digital design |
Homeworks, Labs & Tests |
AST2- C |
3. Understand how to document and analyze design data through EDA software tools |
Labs |
AST2-B |
4. Build, test and troubleshoot digital circuits with logic devices and electronics test equipment |
Homeworks, Labs & Tests |
AST2-B & C |
5. Implement and optimize logic functions using Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Maps |
Homeworks, Labs & Tests |
AST2-B |
6. Design and implement logic circuits to solve practical problems (Sequential/Combinational and Synchronous/Asynchronous) |
Homeworks, Labs & Tests |
AST2-B & C |
7. Understand SSI/MSI/LSI logic systems and their applications |
Homeworks, Labs & Tests |
AST2-B |
8. Recognize timing/triggering faults and utilize latches/flip-flops to minimize them |
Labs |
AST2-B |
9. Practice effective report writing, presentation skills, teamwork and project development skills |
Labs & Project |
Foundation |
Lecture Topics
Ch 1. Number Systems, Representations and Codes
- Digital vs. Analog
- Digital Design Overview
- Design Methodologies
- Number Systems (Binary, Octol, Decimal, Hexadecimal)
- Base Conversions
- Binary Arithmetic
- Binary Code
Ch 2. Boolean Algebra, Functions and Minimization
- Logic Gates
- Boolean Algebra Postulates & Theorems
- Boolean Functions and Canonical Forms
- Function Minimization
- Algebraic and Karnaugh Map (K-Map) Simplification
Ch 3. Analyzing/Designing Combinational Logic Circuits
- Standard Logic and Schematic Layout
- Designing Logic Circuits
- Compressing Truth Tables & K-map
- Glitches & Their Causes
- Type of Functions and Delays
- Beyond Standard Logic ( Encoders, PLDs, ...)
Ch 4. Introduction to Feedback Circuits and
Sequential Logic Analysis
- SR Flip-Flops
- Asynchronous Sequential Logic Issues
- Finite State Machines (FSM)
- Additional Flip-Flop Circuits
- Sequential Circuit Analysis
- De-bouncing Switches
Ch 5. Sequential Circuit Design and Techniques
- Synchronous Finite State Machine Design
- State Assignment Encoding and Control
- Alternate Finite State Machine Design
Ch 6. FSM Optimization and Testing
- Review FSM Design Process
- FSM Minimization Using Implication Table
- Design for Testability - Linear Feedback Shift Register, In-circuit Tester and Scan Test.
Ch 7. Verilog HDL
- History and Steps in HDL Design
- Syntax
- Declarations
- Flow Control
- Modularization
Ch 8. VHDL
- History and Steps in HDL Design
- Syntax
- Declarations
- Flow Control
- Modularization
Ch 9. Commercial Digital Integrated Circuits
- Output Types
- Logic Families
- XOR Properties and Applications
- Encoders and Decoders(MUX/DeMUX)
- Adder, Subtractor & Multiplier Design
- Multiplier Design
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)